Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kid Tags

I told the kids the first part of the saying and they finished it.

You can lead a horse to water but....... it can’t eat (Kendrick) can’t make him drink (Makenna)

Give me liberty or give me........ hats (Kendrick) .... my kitchen (Makenna)

Many hands make......... three (Kendrick) ...... banana bread (Makenna)

Too many cooks......could make a lot of smoke (Kendrick) .........make a big mess (Makenna)

A penny saved is ........three dollars (Kendrick) .......two dollars (Makenna)

An apple a day....... is good (Kendrick) ……… is good for you (Makenna).

Beauty is......cute (Kendrick) ........ a mirror (Makenna)

I'm so hungry I could...... eat a dinosaur (Kendrick) ......... eat a giraffe (Makenna)

There's no place like .......heaven (Kendrick) ........ Park City (Makenna)

If you can't stand the heat ......... turn it down (Kendrick) ......... yell (Makenna)

The only thing we have to fear is ...... big monster truck (Kendrick) ..... monsters (Makenna)

Money doesn't grow on......... flowers (Kendrick) …………… paper (Makenna)

You can't teach an old fetch a bird (Kendrick) talk (Makenna)

Better late than .........being early (Kendrick) not be there at all (Makenna)

When it rains ....... it hurts (Kendrick) ............ put your hood on (Makenna)

April showers bring........ Spring (Kendrick) ……………. Flowers (Makenna)

Kendrick just yelled out his answers some don’t really make any sense. Makenna had to think about them and figure out what they meant. Thanks Melissa for the idea, this was really funny to hear what they came up with.

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