Saturday, March 8, 2008


Hard to believe that Kale is already 1. We had a great Birthday yesterday March 7. We started the day of singing to him. He just smiled and laughed, he thought it was great. We got to go to lunch with Grandpa and Grandma Harward, Cameo, Reed and Kate. We went to Wendy's, Kale loved the french fries. We hard a Birthday Party with all the family that is close by. Grandpa Kim and Grandma Connie, Perrett's Slack's, Beal's, Brittney and Adam all came. We all ate Bar-B-Que or Sloppy Joes, depends where you grew up and chips, and then had Brownies, Ice Cream and Hot Fudge it was good. Kale ate Hot Dogs, he loves hot dogs and string cheese (we have to limit how many he eats). Kale loved the Birthday Cake. He is the only one of our kids who has really played in the cake on their first birthday. He had a little bit of help from Grandpa but he loved it. He was mad when I took him away from it. What a mess he was. It was a really fun day, helps to have a fun baby. It really is hard to believe we has been here for a year, it seems like we have had him forever but at the same time it seems like we just had him. He is a boy of 7's. Born March 7, 2007, at 7:57am and weighed 7lb 7oz. I hope 7 will always be his lucky number. Happy Birthday Kale, We Love You.

1 comment:

The Beals said...