Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

So Cade birthday was February 18, and we spent the day on the road coming home from Idaho. Makenna was a bit upset that Dad didn't have a Birthday Cake. She thinks you can't have a birthday without a cake. So it has been on her mind all week. So tonight almost a week later we made dad a cake. Makenna thought it should be a pink cake with sprinkles but we didn't have either one. Dad said if he was having a cake it needed to be chocolate. So we made a German Chocolate Cake. Kendrick thought it had to have candles on it. So it checked the cupboard and sure enough we had a package that had exactly 34 in it. The kids just kept sticking them in so I started to light the candles and before I could get the last one lit the first one was down to the frosting. It was a sight thought the smoke alarms were going to go off. Just Kidding Cade. Anyway we sang and called it a Birthday. It was a yummy cake, too. Cade and the Kids always have to have milk on top of their cake. Crazy, I think it is and Idaho thing but its ok if they eat it.

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